About Us
Multiwaybd.com is a Formally “Multiway Information system” world premier Internet Marketing Solutions Companies one of local jobs portal, we are largest & powerful outsourcing company in Bangladesh working since 1999. We are member of many difference type online freelancing jobs market places. We also have own Internet Marketing Solutions based several E-Commerce website, we have good reputation around of world with this local country Bangladesh. We are providing full time and part time work opportunities in Bangladesh. We are working to improve our business team day by day. We are professional for any kind of online and offline jobs. We are dedicated to provide online career opportunity on Bangladesh constantly.
We have lots more satisfied employee around this country, they are constantly working with our company, because we have great reputation in the Bangladeshi online community, we are famous for giving quality jobs and height payment to our all employee, We are looking and provide various skill of employee, review following our targeted skills: Windows7, windows10, Ms-Word, Ms-Excel, Power Point, M.S Access, Adobe Page Maker, Adobe Photoshop Quark Express, 2D Animation, Macromedia Flash, email accounts creation, e.g Yahoo, G-mail, hotmail, etc, online data-entry, form fill up, classified ad posting, forum posting, Link Building, SEO, Article Writing, Copywriting, Technical Writing, Blog writing, Social Network marketing, graphics design, logo design, Print Design, html, php, css, Java, joomla, wordpress and various CMS development.
We also involve with google adsense program, affiliate marketing, e-mail marketing, social network marketing, review writing, multi level marketing, domain parking, web flipping, forex business, yahoo store, cheap rate domain registration, web hosting sells and professional web design development. We organizes unending or durable business relationship always, our true is don't stay unemployed, we accept payment method from (international) paypal.com, 2checkout.com, plimus.com, moneybookers.com, alertpay.com, Livertyreserve.com, Payoneer.com, westernunion.com, moneygram.com, placid.net and most of online market places payment method, we locally payout to our employee via dutchbanglabank.com bracbank.com online funds transfer and saparibahan.com
We would like to provide long-term business relationship work around this country,
Thank you for visiting our website and we look forward to work with our company, our truly is don’t stay un employed. And don't forget to bookmark our website on your favorite internet browser! Avoid missing many of jobs offer, we always want the improvement of our country as Digital Bangladesh using IT sectors. We believe that when anybody's dream has finished, then our activities will start with sincerely for everybody's. Thank you for connecting with us.