Work From Home

Once upon a time, All of we were depends on agriculture.. After getting freedom, first two decades we were depends on agriculture, exporting jute, yellow leap, cutting trees etc. By the advancement of science and technology, from 1990 there have been changing people's profession in Bangladesh. People tried to move into different sorts of profession.

Trades and business systems had added with garments sector for fulfilled local demands with exporting procurements, lather sector for making export qualified shoes, Jackets, mats, household using materials. Gradually, Bangladesh included world-exporting market as competitor to vie with super power titled exporter China, India, Japan, Philippine. From then, Common people of Bangladesh has been introducing with modern technology.

But all of you have to remember that Bangladesh is a land of density or over populated country. In spite of having all efforts by the government to expand our private section to augment vacancy section, it becomes fully abortive for the government. Many people try to manifest it as government fictitious or their lack of sincere ness. Impartially, if we evaluate it as statistics that Bangladesh is a land of 1,47,570 sq km but here living more than 150 million people. Just simply imagine how is it possible to convey this number of people in this small land?

Amazingly, We have conquered all specialist report and successfully feed up all people by the government due to having mammoth number of exchanging foreign currency. At present young generation set up different sorts of exporting based companies or foreign servicing sources including call center, customer care center, buying house, entry processing center, research center for the foreigners requirements. Which just now considered as outsourcing companies.

With bless of outsourcing any people can make himself as a CEO working at home setting on a computer and connecting Internet. But how it is possible to us! Is it really possible?

Yes, its called freelancing works. There are plenty of jobs for the freelance provider. Among all freelancing jobs Google adsense is the best. All of you know properly that Google is a company who has numerous projects, which they handled by the billion people in the world and their all transactions are most faithful and reliable to all.

We are one of the freelancing team, have already launched an exceptional project for the common people who specifically want to get rid of disgusting and unemployed or seeking for part time jobs.

Here we are have symbolized it in a pleasing manner to you: -

How Google adsense will works?

Those who have minimum knowledge as regards Internet or online browsing certainly know or seen ads in different sorts of websites or classifieds sites (advertising sites such as , etc ). But don't know or may know by using this ads in owners sites they earn billion dollar to the clients. So what's your befit to serve it on behalf of These advertisements are cooperating between ads provider and Google Company. For this Google earning plenty of service charges to the clients. Then websites owner spreading this advertising based sites all over the world. Then many visitor of the world are viewing these ads and visiting to see that ads detail or registered under those ads. For this consequence you are acquiring cents or dollar from Then you have to log in Google account and will see your every day's payments. You can redeem for sending dollars to you after reached minimum $100.

Disadvantages of working in adsense

Those Bangladeshi people are involved with google adsense works and getting money to Google, they carrying on this with great pleasure. But those who doesn't know about site marketing can't earning any cents or penny to the company. In fact, without having any know about site marketing you can't earn anything this is substantive true. Even those know it but can't earning having lack of confidence about reaching $100. But they're some technical tactics for earning by using adsense for earning maximum money within a short time. In our adsense project, we just want to decrease your time and mitigate your exhausting mind.

Utilizing Marketing tactics we have simple efforts for you to earn money

There are numerous but specific classifieds sites, which is using only for advertising or expanding people's business. Here anybody can post his/her ads without any cost. So everybody likes to visit these sites for expanding this business or any of important manners in these sites.

So want to make these types of classified sites for people's interest where they can post specific ads for themselves. First, We have taken an initiative to launched 100 classifieds sites project. To manipulate these sites we offer 100 (hundred) directors from 68 districts, whose we will train up for spreading or ling building these hundred sites. Remember, Classified site has numerous types advertising options so that Google also added different types of ads in these sites. If anyone can utilize our marketing policy then everyday he/she will earn minimum 4-5 per day. So, Monthly you can earn 100 (Hundred) dollars easily. As usual, by this statistics you can imagine that we will earn 10,000 to 15,000 dollars per month easily. For which, weak and inactive people will pluck up courage to carry on this program easily with great passionately and spontaneously.

To learn updated marketing policy or training

We have several marketing campaign for you. Such as online video tutorials CD, supported pages, Blogs that we will provide for you with great sincere ness. These tutorials we will provide to you instantly and train up bit-by-bit, which can be easy to you for learning.

We have another project whither you can earn certainly

In online there are lots of sustainable projects for you such affiliate marketing, classified ad posting, E-mail marketing, e-mail accounts creation, captcha entry, domain and hosting reselling, web design, data based management, article writing, data processing. So, by joining with us you can be a glorious outsourcing provider.


Now a day, Internet available not only in city area but also in urban area Govt. and Non-Govt. companies are now embedded Internet in 68 districts. Teknaf to Tetulia, Internet are now spreading everywhere in our countries. Anybody can use Internet from remote to urban areas. To use these increasing amenities you can join with our adsense project. And we are going to give you assurance that after joining with us, we will send your earning money to you with great honesty and sincerely by draft or bank deposit. To know, more detail as to our program, please contact with us immediately