Earn Money By Review

Earn money from write review,100% granted income

First of all I want to tell you that this review project and world wide there are millions of people’s are serving under this program. So you can easily serve under this review program. Now I am going to tell you about our programs in detail.

Here is two options to earn money that’s are:

1. To post review.

2. To make others friends product rating.

3. To refer others under you.

First you have know to

1. When ever I referrer, provide you a link and then you have click that link and registered here. Then you can choose a password otherwise they will provide you a temporary password by this you can log in.

2. Then go to my ciao and view you account in detail.

3. Go to the right site of your account information and here you will see a search option then click product and search, then product items will come to you.

4. To select product such as “camera” then select item of camera of that list and click.

5. After click then sees there are three option write review, to click the box and post your 120 min words review and max 150 words review.

6. If you hesitate to write then see over “write review” option there is a option “more” please click here when your page is fully open, then automatically product detail comes to you and write by Ms-Word about that review.

7. If your review fulfill by 120 word please post it “write review” option

8. After click there a blank box will come there you have to post your writing review and press enter to put it below then you will see below options are open

9. To paste your review from Ms-Word to black box of that project then go to the below of the page

10. Then go title box and write review report about that product.

11. Then go to advantage and write advantage button and write product advantage. For an example, you can write “this is nice to see” or “resolution is high” etc.

12. At last fill below box that is product type is excellent, value of money is good or excellent, and other same option fills up according to your anticipation.

13. Then submit your review.

This Full detail about how to post your project and company will another way

which pay you anything if you don’t help others friends.

Web address: ciao.com

ciao.com is currently ciao.co.uk and similar site bellow





those site are allow to earn money by write review from UK, and we have UK based server, there we can work as well :)