Thank you for visiting our Frequently asked questions page and your c-ordial co-operation work with us.
Please read all Frequently asked questions carefully, our all Frequently asked questions are Important for our new member, without reading these Frequently asked questions you could not ask similar questions, please do not lose valuable time hope you know that times are too valuable always. Here are varying easy and clear description, If you have new unique question that you did not found on our Frequently asked questions page. Then we should try to give you right answer very soon. We also update our Frequently asked questions page if we get your unique question.
This Frequently asked questions page was last modified on 7th August’2010.
1.1 What is multiwaybd.com?
multiwaybd.com concern of Multiway Info System a largest & powerful outsourcing company in Bangladesh working since 1999. We are member of many difference type online jobs market places we also have own many type e-commerce USA based agency company. Provide full and part time many different type work opportunities in Bangladesh as well. We have lots more satisfied worker all over Asia. We also hardly are working to improve our business team. Any high experience interested person can work with us through our active jobs opportunities, We are truly professional for online jobs project. We always ready to building long-term good business network using most effective reliable internet marketing jobs constantly. Don't forget to bookmark our website on your favorite browser!
1.2 Which type work providing this company?
We are providing 3 type jobs as category propose,
A) Part time join with us | (Recommended for new users)
if you are continue student or you already involved a profession, you are getting only little time on 24 hours and you would like to spend that time with a part time online jobs, you are experience and you have basic online jobs acknowledgement already then we will provide you part time online jobs, you can work from anywhere any time, this jobs will make money but not enough income!
B) Full time join with us | If you are interested to work with us full time as fully dedicated, you have completed your all study, you do not try to do without online jobs, you are experience and you have basic online jobs acknowledgement already, you have high configure desktop for our jobs, high speed Internet connection (256KB or higher), and daily up to 16 hours working capability then we will provide full time jobs forever, you can earn up to 20,000 BDT per month from anywhere if you work with us.
C) Full time work your own risk | If you are interested to work online full time as fully dedicated your own risk, you have completed your all study, you do not try to do without online jobs, you are high experience and you have full acknowledgement already, you have high configure desktop for our jobs, high speed Internet connection (256KB or higher error free), and daily up to 16 hours working capability then we will train you full time jobs own risk, you can earn up to 50,000 BDT per month from anywhere your own risk.
1.3 Have any joining fee if I would like work with this company?
If you work on A category, then no need any joining fee, but you must need to make a team up to 10 users. if you have lass then 10 users, please do not contact, If you would like to work with B & C category then yes, we are taking joining fee. Because we need to help you max time about work training propose.
1.4 How can start work with company?
On our website we have offered many type online jobs. E.g. captcha typing, accounts creation, facebook marketing, SEO, article writing etc. you need to inform us, exactly which work you would like to do. If your do not include your exact type jobs then your application should ignore automatically, we also do not reply your mail! So be careful about your application, we not have enough time to suggest how to send us mail again and again, because we are too busy, serious and dedicated with quality SEO service, Social Media Marketing services, we are Largest Outsourcing service Provider Company on the planet, we are involved with Facebook Fans, Twitter Followers, Youtube views and many more Social Media Marketing service, we also working, quality profile link building, Internet marketing article writing, Technical writing, E-book writing website content writing/rewriting, editing, and other type article writing, article submission, press releases submission, simple CMS based site design making, social book marking, forum posting, blog commenting, Quality Classified site submission, directory listing, form filling, CPA Leads marketing, scrapebox harvesting, xrumer service, ping.fm marketing service, Link Pinging, link wheels, RSS feed creation, chat marketing, email marketing, keywords research, Web Search, Virtual Assistant, Video downloading Uploading, accounts creations, security image typing, and many type quality service, we also providing service on local market accounting software development, customize software development, web development, domain hosting sale, office in/out management tracking software, DVR system management, and people tracking service using google map.
1.5 How can get payment if I work with this company?
A) by hand | If your work place is around of Dhaka, Chittagong, Bogra, Chandpur, Comilla, Feni, Jamalpur, Netrokona, Rangpur, and you would like to get payment from our executive officer then you will be paid by hand cash, because around of Bangladesh maximum region wise executive we have already!
B) By Bank Deposit, And if you would like to get payment via back accounts, then we can pay you by following bank. dutchbanglabank.com, DBBL mobile banking, bracbank.com ucbbank.com trustbank.com.bd uttarabank-bd.com and saparibahan.com, C) online payment | also if anyone who need payment by online, then we can send money by online as well. Include your exact get payment option on your application Eg. By hand, By Bank Deposit, online payment, Bank name. Branch name Account name. Account number, Mobile number and other necessary information. Payment will be ready when part of of jobs will be finished next month in 2nd week at once or negotiable. we will backup your name, contact number contact address, email address, payment through information bank accounts name bank account number and your all of information in our own online server.
We will contact personally one by one our entire member when payment will be available, so don’t worry about your payment getting lost!, Because we are very sincere about each of our member payment.
1.6 Have any guarantee payment 100%, have any possibility payment lost?
Actually we have lots of members already around of Asia. They are getting payment from us constantly, anyone could not tell about I did not get payment from this company although I was worked with this company properly, because we are very sincere about each of our member payment. But we do not give any stamp signature about any of propose.
1.7 I would like to work with this company anyway, which format application I will send to this company?
You must need to send us an application with your completed resume also you need to fillip our other necessary information and send to us at support@multiwaybd.com we will review and send you final work instruction, any customize application will ignore automatically, so be careful, I think you already know how to write application and what you need to include on your resume, although I am remember you for required information. You must need to include following information.
* Personal Information * Name * Father's Name * Mother's Name * Permanent Address * Present Address * Contact Number * E-mail Address * Instant messenger * facebook URL or any Web profile URL * Date of Birth * Nationality * Religion * Sex * Height * Weight * Marital Status * colorfull PP size photo * Occupation * Till now Educational qualification * Also include answer about following question. *Where you heard about our company? E.g. friends * search engine *Which type work you would like to do? E.g. Part time, Full time, Full time work own risk. *how much time you will spend a day for jobs? *Work preferable time day or night * communication time day or night, *Have you team? If yes then your team size? * which type work you have interested. . E.g. captcha typing, accounts creations, facebook marketing, SEO, article writing * Payment receives information: e.g by hand, by bank deposit, by online payment, Bank name. Branch name Account name. Account number, Explain to us. basic experience on computer operating and system * basic experience on MS office and other software * basic experience on computer trouble shouting * basic experience on computer hardware * basic experience on internet skill * basic experience on online jobs * internet connection type/speed * your computer type. Desktop/Laptop * communication type. Skype, WeChat, Imo, whatsapp , other * would like to Voice call/text chat/both * using language Bangla/English/both
1.8 Why I can not contact via mobile phone/messenger?
By previous experience we have change some rules… For avoid missed calls and unnecessary quires we decided to stop showing our contact number and contact address. Our existing member can contact with us directly via phone/messenger, we also available online maximum time on 24 hours.
Again Thank you for visiting our Frequently asked questions page and your c-ordial co-operation interest with us. If we found any new unique question that we did not modified on our Frequently asked questions page then we should update here instantly.
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Multiway Info System